Perennial herb from a woody stem-base; stems several, slender, tufted, decumbent to erect, 20-45 cm tall, silky and with some longer ascending hairs.
Mostly basal with stalks 10-16 cm long, a few alternate along the stem, palmately compound; leaflets 6 to 10, oblanceolate, pointed at the tip, 1-5 cm long, 2-7 mm wide, mostly folded, silky on both surfaces.
Inflorescence a terminal raceme, about as long as its stalk, of whorled pea-like flowers; corollas blue, white or lavender, 10-13 mm long, the banner egg-shaped to nearly circular, glabrous, the wings glabrous, rather narrow, the keel fringed with hairs along the upper edges; calyces 2-lipped, the upper lip 2-toothed, cleft for at least 1/2 its length, both lips 5-7 mm long.
Pods, 1-3 cm long, stiff-hairy; seeds 2 to 4.
Origin Status | Provincial Status | BC List (Red Blue List) | COSEWIC |
Native | S1 | Red | E (Apr 2009) |