Annual herb from a taproot; stems erect to spreading, 20-30 cm tall, hollow-cylindric at the base, branched, abundantly soft-spreading-hairy.
Basal and alternate along the stem but tending to be clustered toward the top of the stem, palmately compound, the leaf stalks very hairy and several times as long as the leaf blades; leaflets 8 to 10, elliptic-oblanceolate, sharp-pointed to blunt at the tip, 1.5-3 cm long, glabrous above, soft-spreading-hairy below.
Inflorescence a stalked, terminal raceme of whorled pea-like flowers; corollas white to yellowish white, often tinged with pink, 1-1.5 cm long, the banner oblong, short-hairy on central groove, the wings and the keel fringed on the edges towards the base; calyces 2-lipped, the upper lip short, 2-lobed, the lower lip much longer, 3-toothed; all flower parts persistent as dried membranes around the pod.
Pods, 1.5-2 cm long, egg-diamond-shaped, stiff-hairy; seeds 2, brownish, 4-6 mm long.
If more than one illustration is available for a species (e.g., separate illustrations were provided for two subspecies) then links to the separate images will be provided below. Note that individual subspecies or varietal illustrations are not always available.
Illustration Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia
Synonyms and Alternate Names:
Lupinus densiflorus var. latilabris C.P. Sm.
Lupinus densiflorus var. scopulorum C.P. Sm.
Lupinus densiflorus var. stenopetalus C.P. Sm.
Lupinus densiflorus var. tracyi C.P. Sm.
Lupinus microcarpus subsp. scopulorum (C.P. Sm.) C.P. Sm.
Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus (Benth.) Jeps.
Lupinus microcarpus var. scopulorum