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General: Perennial herb from a creeping rhizome; stems erect, unbranched or with ascending branches, 30-100 cm tall, 4-angled, somewhat hairy.
Leaves: Opposite, egg-shaped to lanceolate, to 10 cm long, tips pointed, pinnately-lobed, the lobes triangular and pointed, the lower often lobed to the midrib; short-stalked.
Flowers: Inflorescence of many-flowered, distant clusters, in axils of bracts similar to leaves; corollas tubular, 4-lobed, white with a few small purple dots on lower lip, about 3 mm long and wide; calyces egg-shaped to bell-shaped, the teeth 5, lanceolate, hairy, spine-tipped.
Fruits: Nutlets, 4 clustered together, 4-angled, flat at the top.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia