Annual grass from fibrous roots, usually branching from the base; stems decumbent to erect, up to 100 cm tall/long.
Sheaths open, usually smooth, but the throats sometimes with a few hairs up to 3 mm long, the collars smooth; basal leaves similar to the stem leaves, the blades somewhat rough but otherwise smooth, 4-12 mm wide; ligules 2-3 mm long, the lower third membranous.
Inflorescence a panicle, 15-30 cm long, the branches ascending; spikelets 2-flowered, about 2.5 mm long, the lower florets sterile, the upper ones always fertile; lower glumes egg-shaped, with rounded tips, about 1/4 the length of the spikelets, 0.5-1 mm long, the upper ones smooth, lightly 9-nerved, sharp-pointed; sterile lemmas smooth, lightly 9-nerved, sharp-pointed, with translucent paleas 1-1.5 mm long; fertile lemmas much-hardened and faintly-nerved; lodicules about 0.5 mm long, semi-tubular; anthers about 1.2 mm long.
If more than one illustration is available for a species (e.g., separate illustrations were provided for two subspecies) then links to the separate images will be provided below. Note that individual subspecies or varietal illustrations are not always available.
Illustration Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia
Flower Colour:
Blooming Period:
Fruit/Seed characteristics:
Colour: Yellow
Present from Summer to Fall
Source: The USDA
Site Information |
Value / Class |
Avg |
Min |
Max |
(metres) |
537 | 537 | 537 |
Gradient (%) |
4 | 4 | 4 |
Aspect (degrees) |
166 | 167 | 167 |
Moisture Regime (SMR) [0 - very xeric; 4 - mesic; 8 - hydric] |
5 | 5 | 5 |
Nutrient Regime
Class |
D | ||
of field plots species was recorded in: |
1 | ||
BEC Zone Class |
BG | ||
All BEC Zones (# of stations/zone) species was recorded in |
BG(1) | ||
Klinkenberg 2013