E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

Pedicularis bracteosa Benth.
bracted lousewort (fernleaf; wood-betony)
Orobanchaceae (Broom-rape family)
(Previously in Scrophulariaceae)

Introduction to Vascular Plants

© Virginia Skilton  Email the photographer   (Photo ID #12278)

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Distribution of Pedicularis bracteosa
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Species Information

Click on the image below to view an expanded illustration for this species.

Perennial herb from a mix of coarse fibrous and tuberous-thickened roots, smooth except long-hairy in the inflorescence; stems single or clustered, erect, 30-100 cm tall, unbranched.
Basal leaves similar to the stem leaves but longer-stalked, or much smaller or lacking; stem leaves alternate, short-stalked to unstalked, 7-16 cm long, deeply pinnately cleft into narrowly oblong to lanceolate segments, the main segments 1-7 cm long, jaggedly incised and also finely saw-toothed or merely double-toothed, the leaves reduced and less divided upward.
Inflorescence a dense, elongate, terminal spike of numerous flowers, above several hairy, leaflike but undivided bracts; corollas yellow or tinged with red or purple to wholly purple, 13-21 mm long, 2-lipped, the upper lip hood-like, beakless or very short-beaked, about as long as the tube, the lower lip 3-lobed; calyces 7-10 mm long, hairy, 5-lobed, the lobes glandular-hairy to nearly smooth, the upper lobe shortest; stamens 4.
Capsules, asymmetrical, flattened, curved, smooth, 10-12 mm long; seeds several, 2-5 mm long, net-veined.
Two varieties occur in BC

1. Free tips of the lateral calyx-lobes very slender, threadlike, glandular; the common variety................... var. bracteosa

1. Free tips of the lateral calyx-lobes lanceolate to triangular, sparsely or not at all glandular; infrequent in C and S BC........................... var. latifolia (Pennell) Cronq.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia

Habitat / Range

Moist meadows, thickets and open forests in the montane to alpine zones; common throughout BC south of 56degreeN; var. bracteosa - E to AB and S to MT, ID and OR; var. latifolia - S to ID and WA.

Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia


Ecological Framework for Pedicularis bracteosa

The table below shows the species-specific information calculated from
original data (BEC database) provided by the BC Ministry of Forests and Range.
(Updated August, 2013)

Site Information
Value / Class




Elevation (metres) 8 1694 2520
Slope Gradient (%) 0 24 270
Aspect (degrees)
[0 - N; 90 - E; 180 - S; 270 - W]
0 139 360
Soil Moisture Regime (SMR)
[0 - very xeric; 4 - mesic;
8 - hydric]
0 4 8
Modal Nutrient Regime
Number of field plots
 species was recorded in:
Modal BEC Zone Class
All BEC Zones (# of stations/zone) species was recorded in: AT(54), BAFA(43), BWBS(23), CMA(2), CWH(2), ESSF(1819), ICH(83), IDF(66), IMA(19), MH(4), MS(240), PP(1), SBPS(5), SBS(29), SWB(57)

Ecological Indicator Information

Shade-intolerant, subalpine, Western North American forb distributed more in the Cordilleran than the Pacific region. Species occurs in continental boreal and cool temperate climates on very moist to wet nitrogen­medium soils; occurrence increases with continentality. Common in subalpine meadows and open-canopy, high­elevation forests on water-receiving sites in the coast-interior ecotone.

SourceIndicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia (Information applies to coastal locations only)


The climate type for this species, as reported in the: "British Columbia plant species codes and selected attributes. Version 6 Database" (Meidinger et al. 2008), is montane boreal & cool temperate.

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