Perennial herb from a thick, scaly, branched stem-base; stems several, tufted, erect or decumbent at the base, 30-80 cm tall, often branched, appressed- to spreading-hairy.
Basal leaves long-stalked, palmately compound; leaflets 5 to 7 (9), lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, (2) 3-8 (10) cm long, coarsely saw-toothed to deeply lobed, greenish and variously hairy (most often spreading-hairy to woolly-hairy, sometimes also glandular, sometimes nearly smooth) above, usually paler and hairier, often white-woolly beneath; stem leaves alternate, reduced, 1 or 2.
Inflorescence an open, somewhat flat-topped, terminal cluster of several to many stalked flow ers; corollas yellow, bowl-shaped, the petals 5, heart-shaped, 6-10 mm long, shallowly notched at the tip; calyces hairy, 5-lobed, the lobes broadly lanceolate, 4-7 mm long, alternating with 5 shorter, narrowly lanceolate bractlets; ovaries superior; stamens 20.
Achenes, numerous, clustered, lopsided-egg-shaped, 1-2 mm long, greenish, smooth to faintly net-veined.
Three varieties occur in BC
1. Leaflets cleft at least 2/3 of the way to the midvein, the segments usually linear and greyish- or whitish-hairy beneath........................ var. flabelliformis (Lehm.) Nutt. ex T. & G.
1. Leaflets cleft no more than 2/3 of the way to the midvein, the segments usually lanceolate and often greenish beneath.
2. Lower surface of leaves white-woolly, much lighter than the upper surface................. var. gracilis
2. Lower surface of the leaves variously hairy but rarely woolly, usually greenish, not much lighter than the upper surface....................... var. fastigiata (Nutt.) S. Wats.
Scientific Name | Origin Status | Provincial Status | BC List (Red Blue List) | COSEWIC |
Potentilla gracilis var. fastigiata | Native | S5 | Unknown | Not Listed |
Potentilla gracilis var. flabelliformis | Native | S5 | Yellow | Not Listed |
Potentilla gracilis var. gracilis | Native | S2 | Red | Not Listed |