Perennial herb from a rhizome; stems, including flowering-stem, 13-40 cm tall.
Basal, evergreen, leathery, round to elliptic or egg-shaped, the blades 2-8 cm long, nearly as wide, commonly heart-shaped at base to rounded or somewhat pointed, rounded to shallowly notched at tip, entire to toothed with veins projecting slightly beyond margin, dark green and shining above, usually somewhat purplish beneath, not mottled; stalks 2-9 cm long.
Inflorescence a (5) 8- to 25-flowered, elongate, terminal raceme, the flowers 10-15 mm wide, weakly bilaterally symmetric, open; flower stalks 3-8 mm long, usually shorter than the linear-lanceolate, dry, membranous bracts; petals pinkish to rose or purplish-red, 5-8 mm long; sepals pointed to sharp-pointed, 1.5-5 mm long; anthers pink, 2-3.5 mm long, sharp pointed at the lower end, the tubes short and the pores nearly terminal; styles declined, strongly curved, exserted, 5-8 mm long, with a collar below the stigma.
Capsules, globe-shaped, 6-8 mm wide.
Source: The Illustrated Flora of British Columbia