Ramaria sandaracina var. sandaracina Marr & D.E. Stuntz var. chondrobasis Marr & D.E. Stuntz
(Ramaria sandaracina var. sandaracina)no common name

Species account author: Ian Gibson.
Extracted from Matchmaker: Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest.

Introduction to the Macrofungi


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E-Flora BC Static Map

Distribution of Ramaria sandaracina var. sandaracina
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Species Information

Ramaria sandaracina var. chondrobasis differs from var. sandaracina principally in being more gelatinous in consistency and having a larger, broader fruitbody without a distinct single or subfasciculate smooth base.
Chemical Reactions:
similar to chemical reactions of var. sandaracina, (Marr), flesh of stem inamyloid; flesh of stem negative with ferric sulphate in water, (Exeter)
mild (Scates-Barnhart)
none or slight bean-like (Scates-Barnhart)
spores 7-10 x 3.5-5 microns, average 8.3 x 4 microns, hyphae of the stem and sometimes in the branches definitely gelatinizing; other microscopic characters similar to var. sandaracina; clamp connections present, (Marr)
Collections were examined from WA, (Marr). Desjardin(6) illustrates it from CA. There are collections of var. chondrobasis from BC at the University of British Columbia.
unknown (Scates-Barnhart)

Habitat and Range

Ramaria gelatiniaurantia var. gelatiniaurantia is very similar in appearance but lacks clamp connections, (Marr). Ramaria largentii is also very similar in appearance, and has clamp connections, but has spores that are 11-15 x 3.5-5 microns, average 13.4 x 4.5 microns, subcylindric, and ornamented with conspicuous, irregularly shaped, cyanophilic warts in subspirals, (Marr). See also SIMILAR section of Ramaria gelatinosa var. oregonensis.
October and November, (Marr), on ground under Tsuga heterophylla (Western Hemlock), (Scates-Barnhart)