E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Boletus edulis  (king bolete)

Photo of Boletus edulis by Jeanne Ross
© Jeanne Ross (Photo ID #17295)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Duncan Photographer Jeanne Ross
Habitat Floodplain under big-leaf maple and cottonwood  
Photo Date October 27, 2009 Upload Date September 29, 2009
Elevation (m)  
UTM Zone # Latitude
UTM Easting Longitude
UTM Northing Photo ID # 17295
Notes Growing on ground, 8 specimens spread over area about 10 x 20 feet, cap diameter 6-9 inches (this one about 6"), cinnamon to rust brown top, smooth when dry, viscid when wet, pores greenish yellow, do not blue when damaged, stalk pale with pinking tones, slightly reticulate, flesh white with pinkish tones, flesh does not discolour when cut, taste bland. Spores olive-brown. Very popular with slugs -- it was impossible to find one undamaged, older ones were largely eaten away.

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