E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Chimaphila umbellata ssp. occidentalis  (prince's pine)

Photo of Chimaphila umbellata ssp. occidentalis by Grahame  Ware
© Grahame Ware (Photo ID #20847)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Little Qualicum River Provincial Park Photographer Grahame Ware
Habitat woods  
Photo Date June 27, 2010 Upload Date July 04, 2010
Elevation (m)  
UTM Zone # Latitude 54.3622207641602
UTM Easting Longitude -114.779998779297
UTM Northing Photo ID # 20847
Notes Some good blankets of this classy groundcover where ample moisture from the falls allows for optimum growth. Good strong colour compared to other forms seen around BC.

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