E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia  (small-flowered alumroot)

Photo of Heuchera micrantha var. diversifolia by Grahame  Ware
© Grahame Ware (Photo ID #21094)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Roberts Memorial Provincial Park in Yellow pt. near Ladysmith Photographer Grahame Ware
Habitat xeric seaside bluff  
Photo Date July 26, 2010 Upload Date July 27, 2010
Elevation (m)  
UTM Zone # Latitude
UTM Easting Longitude
UTM Northing Photo ID # 21094
Notes Growing in consociation with Piperia elegans, Brodiea coronaria, Camassia leichtlinii and other dry-loving plants just above the shoreline on limestone bluffs. Note the distinct venation- due to the presence of anthocyanin in the vascular bundles. This phenomena has been used by plant breeders to develop many named hybrids including 'Green Spice'.

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