E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Carex vulpinoidea  (fox sedge)

Photo of Carex vulpinoidea by Frank Lomer
© Frank Lomer (Photo ID #27566)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Pend d'Oreille River, N side, 3.4 km due NW of confluence with Salmo River. Photographer Frank Lomer
Habitat Vegetated dammed rivershore with Artemisia lindleyana, Thalictrum dasycarpum, Helenium autumnale.  
Photo Date July 13, 2009 Upload Date January 15, 2012
Elevation (m) 535  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.0422210693359
UTM Easting Longitude -117.420799255371
UTM Northing Photo ID # 27566
Notes Frequent in limited habitat on the rivershore.

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