E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Juncus interior  (inland rush)

Photo of Juncus interior by Frank Lomer
© Frank Lomer (Photo ID #27569)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location 7 km ESE of Trail, Columbia River, S side of Beaver Creek mouth, 50 m N of boat launch in Beaver Creek Park. Photographer Frank Lomer
Habitat Moist sandy rivershore in depressions of alluvial deposits.  
Photo Date July 14, 2009 Upload Date January 15, 2012
Elevation (m) 400  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.0666694641113
UTM Easting Longitude -117.61190032959
UTM Northing Photo ID # 27569
Notes The capsules of this species are more cylindrical than the similar Juncus tenuis.

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