E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Saxifraga hirculus ssp. hirculus  (yellow marsh saxifrage)

Photo of Saxifraga hirculus ssp. hirculus by Virginia Skilton
© Virginia Skilton (Photo ID #34130)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Tombstone Prov. Park, YT Photographer Virginia Skilton
Habitat arctic tundra  
Photo Date July 08, 2012 Upload Date February 13, 2013
Elevation (m) 1116  
UTM Zone # Latitude 64.6998888888889
UTM Easting Longitude -138.412527777778
UTM Northing Photo ID # 34130
Notes The tongue of arctic tundra that reaches intoTombstone Park is south of the arctic circle.
Review Comments Identification reviewed by Jamie Fenneman

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