E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Viola glabella  (stream violet)

Photo of Viola glabella by Rosemary Taylor
© Rosemary Taylor (Photo ID #37282)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Tynehead Park, Surrey, B.C. Photographer Rosemary Taylor
Habitat Alder woodland  
Photo Date April 01, 2013 Upload Date April 04, 2013
Elevation (m)  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.182882
UTM Easting Longitude -122.767067
UTM Northing Photo ID # 37282
Notes We watched Enchoria lacteata (Milky White Carpet Moth) moving deliberately from flower to flower amongst a group of these violets as if pollinating them. This image (e-fauna i.d. #35183) and two more (#35182 and 35185) can be found on E-fauna BC
Review Comments plant ID by Terry Taylor, moth ID by Chris Schmidt

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