E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Lathyrus palustris  (marsh peavine)

Photo of Lathyrus palustris by Judith Holm
© Judith Holm (Photo ID #70313)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Squamish, BC Photographer Judith Holm
Habitat Estuary  
Photo Date July 18, 2015 Upload Date February 05, 2016
Elevation (m) 4  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.6995055555556
UTM Easting Longitude -123.160938888889
UTM Northing Photo ID # 70313
Notes wet marsh Photo taken to show the fruit and that the stipules are small in comparison to the leaflets. The stipules of Lathyrus japonicus look about the same size as their leaflets.

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