E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Vaccinium membranaceum  (black huckleberry)

Photo of Vaccinium membranaceum by Ida Koric
© Ida Koric (Photo ID #71312)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Rossland, BC Photographer Ida Koric
Habitat Subalpine  
Photo Date January 14, 2000 Upload Date August 25, 2016
Elevation (m) 1000  
UTM Zone # Latitude
UTM Easting Longitude
UTM Northing Photo ID # 71312
Notes This huckleberry plant was a staggering 5 feet 7 inches tall, with berries (in early August) that were 10-12mm in diameter, translucent from blue to red-purple in colour, with a very watery huckleberry flavor. Smaller huckleberry plants in the area featured curling leaves at the end of August, and were mostly red. This large plant was still mostly green, with yellow speckling throughout leaves that were turning.

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