E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Erythranthe alsinoides  (wingstem monkey-flower)

Photo of Erythranthe alsinoides by <a href="http://david.badke.ca">David Badke</a>
© David Badke (Photo ID #74396)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary (Christmas Hill), Saanich, BC Photographer David Badke
Habitat Moist sheltered area below rock face  
Photo Date April 25, 2017 Upload Date April 27, 2017
Elevation (m) 62  
UTM Zone # Latitude 48.473205
UTM Easting Longitude -123.378868333333
UTM Northing Photo ID # 74396
Notes One of two small patches at the east side of the park, in a disturbed area, with chickweed and miner's lettuce

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