E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Eriophorum brachyantherum  (short-anthered cotton-grass)

Photo of Eriophorum brachyantherum by <a href="http://www.poulinenvironmental.com">Vince Poulin</a>
© Vince Poulin (Photo ID #74680)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Toms Lake, BC - Heritage Highway Photographer Vince Poulin
Habitat roadside ditch, mineral substrate  
Photo Date June 16, 2017 Upload Date June 18, 2017
Elevation (m) 823  
UTM Zone # 10 Latitude
UTM Easting 679367 Longitude
UTM Northing 6120620 Photo ID # 74680
Notes this looks to be E. brachyantherum. Plant was 42 cm tall, single stem without large flower cluster. Bright white bristles. Not stout, stem slenger, upright. Habitat roadside ditchline, willowed, with other Carex sp. C. aquatilis also northern green orchid

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