E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Pleurotus populinus  (no common name)

Photo of Pleurotus populinus by Bryan Kelly-McArthur
© Bryan Kelly-McArthur (Photo ID #74790)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Revelstoke Reach of Upper Arrow Lake, BC Photographer Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Habitat growing on Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen)  
Photo Date June 07, 2017 Upload Date July 08, 2017
Elevation (m) 429  
UTM Zone # 11 Latitude
UTM Easting 422800 Longitude
UTM Northing 5634842 Photo ID # 74790
Notes ID confirmed by Drew Parker as possibly P.ostreatus. Species also possibly populinus
Review Comments The large size and habitat make me suspect this is P. populinus and not the very similar P. ostreatus.

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