E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Quercus robur  (English oak)

Photo of Quercus robur by James Crippen
© James Crippen (Photo ID #75043)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Richmond, BC Photographer James Crippen
Habitat river delta, coastal dunes  
Photo Date July 22, 2017 Upload Date August 23, 2017
Elevation (m) 6  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.2215583333333
UTM Easting Longitude -123.212013333333
UTM Northing Photo ID # 75043
Notes This lone Garry oak grows amid Himalayan blackberries and other brush on top of a small coastal dune at Iona Beach Park near YVR. It is sexually mature, with acorns growing in some places. Height estimate is 4 or 5 meters.

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