E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Quercus robur  (English oak)

Photo of Quercus robur by Judith Holm
© Judith Holm (Photo ID #81319)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Squamish, BC Photographer Judith Holm
Habitat Estuary (on raised old dyke)  
Photo Date July 09, 2015 Upload Date November 22, 2018
Elevation (m)  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.700468
UTM Easting Longitude -123.165563
UTM Northing Photo ID # 81319
Notes There are quite a number Quercus robur in well-drained, semi open areas of the Squamish Estuary (and elsewhere around Squamish ). The acorns are much enjoyed by the bears. Perhaps this factor is contributes to the spread of the species here?

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