E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Hypholoma capnoides  (conifer tuft)

Photo of Hypholoma capnoides by Donald L'Heureux
© Donald L'Heureux (Photo ID #85432)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Paradise Meadows, Strathcona Provincial Park Photographer Donald L'Heureux
Habitat subalpine meadow  
Photo Date October 13, 2019 Upload Date October 23, 2019
Elevation (m) 1088  
UTM Zone # Latitude 49.7441666666667
UTM Easting Longitude -125.319166666667
UTM Northing Photo ID # 85432
Notes I need an id check, as I'm not certain this is indeed Hypholoma sublateritium. cap: width - 3.5 cm stem: 6 cm
Review Comments This is most likely Hypholoma capnoides. However positive ID is difficult from a photo and it could be a pale Hypholoma fasciculare or even a Pholiota

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