E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Androsace chamaejasme  (sweet-flowered fairy-candelabra)

Photo of Androsace chamaejasme by <a href="http://www.cdhs.us">Alfred Cook</a>
© Alfred Cook (Photo ID #8552)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Alaska - Eagle Summit Photographer Alfred Cook
Habitat roadside  
Photo Date June 25, 2006 Upload Date November 22, 2006
Elevation (m) 1120  
UTM Zone # Latitude
UTM Easting Longitude
UTM Northing Photo ID # 8552
Notes Left Photographed on Eagle Summit. Right: Photographed on a boggy mountain ridge (elevation 1200 m) 2 miles SE of Eagle Summit overlooking Baker Gulch, a tributary of Mastodon Creek on 6/13/2006

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