E-Flora BC Photo Gallery

Tricholoma saponaceum group  (soapy tricholoma)

Photo of Tricholoma saponaceum group by Donald L'Heureux
© Donald L'Heureux (Photo ID #87623)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Port Alberni, BC Photographer Donald L'Heureux
Habitat mixed second-growth forest  
Photo Date November 26, 2020 Upload Date December 07, 2020
Elevation (m) 100  
UTM Zone # Latitude
UTM Easting Longitude
UTM Northing Photo ID # 87623
Notes The cap had the feel of felt and was subumbonate. Cap diameter 9.5 cm; stipe length 11 cm (solid). Gills were white but later stained yellowish. Odour was light fungoid. Flesh was white and solid. Spore print was white.
Review Comments The closest match that I can come to is a gray form of Tricholoma saponaceum, a species complex that needs further study. We can rule out T. pardinum because the cap is not scaly. We can rule out T. portentosum since the cap is not viscid.

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