Parapholis incurva  (curved sicklegrass)

Photo of Parapholis incurva by Frank Lomer

© Frank Lomer (Photo ID #24636)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, Piper's Lagoon Park, north of Departure Bay, southeast side of lagoon.
Photographer Frank Lomer
Habitat Compacted sandy path below elevated main path, above Distichlis spicata zone, with Festuca rubra, Grindelia stricta.
Photo Date August 01, 2006
Upload Date May 13, 2011
Elevation (m) 2
Latitude 49.2241706848145
Longitude -123.947998046875
Photo ID # 24636
Comments Only site known for this introduced grass in BC. Seen on both sides of lagoon.