Angelica lucida  (seacoast angelica)

Photo of Angelica lucida by Sharon E. Godkin

© Sharon E. Godkin (Photo ID #81337)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Cluxewe Beach
Photographer Sharon E. Godkin
Habitat seashore
Photo Date July 14, 2018
Upload Date January 08, 2019
Elevation (m) 0
Latitude 50.620767
Longitude -127.205064
Photo ID # 81337
Comments Flower opening. The greenish petals uncurl to show their whitish upper surfaces. Stamens uncurl with green anthers and white filaments. The anthers turn yellow when the flower is fully open. Styles remain hidden in the glandular tissue at the top of the superior ovary until the stamens start to shrivel. The flowers were being visited by bumblebees, flies, and butterflies.