Anthriscus sylvestris
(wild chervil)
Larry Halverson
(Photo ID #81421)
Photographer's Submitted Details
Photo Location
Kootenay National Park. BC
Larry Halverson
Moist road side
Photo Date
June 28, 2018
Upload Date
February 04, 2019
Elevation (m)
Photo ID #
This was first id as wild chervil but further investigation it has been identified as Carum carvi L. "Our summer students had the chance to investigate your report of wild chervil near Simpson monument. Luckily, the plant there is actually wild caraway, which is still a very priority species, but has already established throughout the park along roadsides. The students were able to identify the plant as caraway and not chervil based on a number of characteristics including the leaf shape (finely dissected into linear thread-like segments), and the shape of the seed pods (not beaked or linear, but rather broadly elliptical to oblong and scented)."