Salix petiolaris  (meadow willow)

Photo of Salix petiolaris by Neal Foord

© Neal Foord (Photo ID #86402)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Alces River at Goodlow, BC
Photographer Neal Foord
Habitat Road right-of-way near the riparian zone of the Alces River which was dominated by Salix drummondiana, Salix bebbiana, and Alnus incana ssp. tenuifoli
Photo Date May 28, 2020
Upload Date June 04, 2020
Elevation (m) 651
Latitude 56.35
Longitude -120.15
Photo ID # 86402
Comments Dark green leaves similar to S arbusculoides, but this specimen had matte twigs, growing blackish with age characteristic of S petiolaris.