Search criteria: scientific name = Campanula rotundifolia

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Photo © by  Jim Riley
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  J.E. Underhill
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  J.E. Underhill
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Royal BC Museum (W. Van Dieren)
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Jamie Fenneman
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Virginia Skilton
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Jeremy Gatten
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Michael Wigle
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Michael Wigle
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Ashley Churchill
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Val George
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Gordon Neish
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Gordon Neish
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Jim Riley
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Jim Riley
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Larry Halverson
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Daniel Stewart
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Bryan Kelly-McArthur
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Ed McMackin
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower
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Photo © by  Ed McMackin
Campanula rotundifolia
common harebell, bluebell bellflower