This species was formerly known as Hypsiglena torquata (Night Snake), but this name has now been assigned to populations in Mexico (Mulcahy 2008). Genetic data have revealed that the taxon formerly known as H. torquata represents several sister species (Mulchany 2008). Consequently, Collins and Taggard (2009) listed four species of Night Snakes from North America, north of Mexico: Hypsiglena chlorophaea Cope, 1860 (Desert Night Snake), Hypsiglena jani (Dugés, 1865) (Chihuahuan Night Snake), Hypsiglena ochrorhynchus Cope, 1860 (Coast Night Snake), and Hypsiglena sp. (undescribed) (Hooded Night Snake). The species that occurs in British Columbia is H. chlorophaea. The Night Snake was formerly placed in the large cosmopolitan family Colubridae, which recently has been split. Its placement in the family Dipsadidae follows standard nomenclature listed by Collins and Taggard (2009).