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Calopteryx aequabilis
River Jewelwing
Family: Calopterygidae
Species account author: Robert Cannings.
Extracted from Introducing the Dragonflies of British Columbia and the Yukon (2002)


© Dennis Paulson     (Photo ID #1218)


Click on map to view a larger version of this map.
Distribution of Calopteryx aequabilis in British Columbia.
(Click on the map to view a larger version.)
Source: (for the static map) RBCM and BCCDC 2004 ©

Species Information


Metallic green; males have blue reflections. Long, black legs bear long spines. Males have dark-brown wingtips and no pterostigmas. Females' wing bases are shaded yellow-brown; wing tips are brown, pterostigmas white. Length: ♂ ♀ 47 mm.

Flight Period

B.C., mid June to early September.


Family Description

The most spectacular damselflies in Canada: large with metallic-coloured bodies and broad, densely veined wings, often coloured. Larvae develop in streams, clinging to plant stems and roots; they can be distinguished by their long antennae - the first segment is longer than all the others combined. Only one jewelwing lives in British Columbia.
Field Notes

Lives along small warm rivers and slow streams where the adults fly with a dancing, butterfly-like motion and perform striking courtship displays.


Transition. In B.C., found only along Christina Creek at Christina Lake in the southern interior.

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)
NativeS3BlueNot Listed

BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.