Dorsal spines (total): 2; Dorsal soft rays (total): 122; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 94. Head large, scaled completely except for a narrow ventrolateral strip on snout; eyes also large; snout short, pointed and with tubercular scales along its leading edge; chin with a small chin barbel. Body tapering to a point posteriorly from behind the insertion of the first dorsal-fin spine. Scales adherent, with 3 to 5 divergent rows of coarse spinules. Pyloric caeca 12 to 14. Overall color is gray to grayish-brown in young, turning to dark brown in adults; fins generally dark. Branchiostegal rays: 6-6 (Ref. 36385).
Source: FishBase. Cohen, D.M., T. Inada, T. Iwamoto and N Scialabba. 1990 . (Ref. 1371)