Carapace: shield slightly longer than wide. Eyestalk relatively long and stout; cornea a little dilated. Right cheliped setose and slightly longer than walking legs, with spines and granules scattered over surface, especially on carpus and hand; with inner margin of palm serrate with large, sharp teeth and outer margin with a row of spines. Left cheliped more slender but nearly as long as right; carpus and hand with spines and sharp granules. Walking legs slender and setose; dactyl shorter than propodus; claw curved and stout. Abdomen straight; uropods symmetrical; pleopods only on left side. Calcified plates indicate segmentation of abdomen.
SizeShield length: male 4.5 mm.
ColourCarapace: shield light brown and posterior brown with mottling of purplish red and grey. Chelipeds yellow with red-brown dappling; fingers dark brown laterally and scarlet and white dorsally. Walking legs: ischium red-brown; merus yellowish with proximal and distal bands of dappled red-brown, carpus yellow with red-brown dappling dorsally; propodus yellowish with narrow red-brown band proximally; dactyl with bands of red-brown, yellow and scarlet; claw yellow. Eyestalk greenish-brown proximally and blue-grey with red stripes distally; cornea black with some gold flecks. Antennal flagellum orange or scarlet and somewhat translucent.