Occurs only in western North America. Breeds from southern British Columbia south to central California, Arizona, and New Mexico and winters from extreme south-central B.C. south to southern California, southern Arizona, and southern New Mexico. Casual vagrant south to northern Mexico and east to New England and Newfoundland.
Breeding Uncommon to locally fairly common at low elevations in the south-central interior, from the eastern slopes of the Coast and Cascade Mountains (Manning Park, etc.) east to the Kettle River (Midway, Grand Forks, etc.) and north to the Fraser-Thompson-Nicola Basin (Kamloops, Merritt, Cache Creek, Barrière) and Shuswap Lake (Salmon Arm, etc.) areas. Farther east, this species is rare and local in southern portions of the West Kootenays (Trail, Castlegar, Nelson, Slocan Valley) and is uncommon along the southern Rocky Mountain Trench north to Invermere. It is also locally uncommon along the Fraser River north to the Chilcotin River and Williams Lake area, and is rare to uncommon west into the southern Coast Mountains (Pemberton area, Fraser Canyon). The largest populations currently occur in the southern and central Okanagan Valley, where the species is considered common. Very rare during the breeding season farther north of the typical breeding range to the Clearwater, Revelstoke, and Golden areas, but breeding occurs in these areas sporadically, if at all. Casual during the breeding season on the south coast, but does not breed in this area.
Non-breeding Uncommon in winter in the southern and central Okanagan Valley and very rare in the northern Okanagan Valley. Casual in winter in the Thompson Basin (Kamloops) and on the south coast (southern Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland).
Migration and Vagrancy Uncommon to fairly common spring and fall migrant throughout the south-central and south-eastern (West Kootenays, southern Rocky Mountain Trench) interior. On the south coast, this species is a very rare spring and rare to uncommon fall migrant along the western slopes of the Cascade Range in southwestern B.C., but is otherwise a very rare spring and rare fall migrant in the Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island. Casual spring and fall vagrant on northern and eastern Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast, and casual to very rare from spring through fall (primarily in fall) through central B.C. north of the breeding range (to Prince George and the Bulkley Valley). Casual in fall (October, November) on the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Although small numbers winter in the Okanagan Valley, the bulk of the population arrives in the souther interior during early May (occasionally in mid- to late April). On the south coast, the small spring movement similarly occurs primarily during May. Southward-bound fall migrants move through the southern interior during August and early September, with most individuals having left the province by late September (although occasional migrants linger into October). On the south coast, fall vagrants occur primarily between August and October.
Source: Campbell et al. (1990b); Cooper et al. (1998)