Three subspecies are found in BC, however the range of these in the province is not well known (Bondar et al. 2005) :
1) Pacifastacus lensuculus klamathensis (Stimpson, 1857): British Columbia and Idaho south to Central California (Fetzner 2004-2006)
2) Pacifastacus lensuculus lensuculus (Dana, 1852): British Columbia, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. Introduced into Sweden (Svardson, 1965:92) and Japan (Global Invasive Database 2011) (Fetzner 2004-2006). Also introduced in Finland.
3) Pacifastacus lensuculus trowbridgi (Stimpson, 1857): British Columbia, California, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada and Washington. Introduced into Japan (Fetzner 2004-2006).