Crab spiny and setose with many sharp corneous-tipped spines. Antennal flagellum sparsely setose ventrally. Eyestalk slender and about ½ length of shield. Hand with dark corneous teeth on more than half of cutting surfaces. Brood pouch of female subtriangular.
SizeShield length: male 17.7 mm, female 11.4 mm.
ColourCarapace shield rust-red and yellow, with lateral and posterior areas dark red with white streaks. Cheliped red-brown, pink, cream and white, with bases of spines cream and tips black. Cutting teeth white and corneous areas dark brown. Walking legs red-brown, white and cream and dactyls red to orange; claws black. Abdomen cream with red reticulations. Brood pouch translucent white, covering scarlet eggs. Antennal base white, with narrow wine-red stripe dorsally; flagellum dark red and pink. Antennal base orange with fine red spots; flagellum white with dark red stripe dorsally. Eyestalk opaque white with dark red stripes laterally and ventrally; scale red and orange with white tipped spines; cornea black with gold crescent.