"Stubby squid (or bobtail squid) live from the lower intertidal region down to 300 m deep around the perimeter of the North Pacific from Japan to Southern California." (
The Cephalopod Page 2013). In British Columbia they are reported from all along the coast.
Individuals of Rossia have a very stereotyped escape response. It appears to be a response to slow patrolling predators on the bottom fauna, particularly dogfish sharks. The sepiolid lauches from the bottom and swims about 30 to 40 cm above the bottom more-or-less in a straight line inking every few meters. When it should ink the last time, it doesn’t, but it turns dark, throws its arms up in a “scatter” posture and drifts like an ink blot until it hits the bottom, whereupon it bleaches (which makes it effectively disappear) and rapidly covers itself with sediments.
Note Author: Ron Shimek