Adults of the Great Spangled Fritillary are larger than those of any other Speyeria species. On the ventral hindwings there is a wide creamy coloured band between the postmedian silver spots and the submarginal silver spots. The southern subspecies, leto, is our largest fritillary; in addition, the females are the only dimorphic females of Speyeria in BC. The northern subspecies, pseudocarpenteri, is smaller than some southern Speyeria but larger than the other Speyeria species in northeastern BC. The sexes are not dimorphic.
Immature Stages
The mature larva is black. The body is covered with protuberances that bear spines. There are no mid-dorsal narrow yellow stripes.
There are two subspecies of the Great Spangled Fritillary in BC. In the Southern Interior and the Kootenays, one finds the Leto Fritillary, S.c. leto (Behr, 1862) (TL: Carson City, NV). The Leto ranges south to central California and northwestern Wyoming. In the Peace River area one finds the Prairie Fritillary, S.c. pseudocarpenteri (F. & R. Chermock, 1940) (TL: Sand Ridge, MB). The Prairie Fritillary occurs east to Manitoba and across northern Montana and North Dakota.
Genus Description
The genus Speyeria is named for the German lepidopterist Adolph Speyer (1812-92). The name "greater fritillaries" refers to the large size of the species in this genus, in contrast to the lesser fritillaries in the genera Boloria and Clossiana.
At least some populations of all species of Speyeria in BC have individuals with silver spots on the ventral hindwing. By contrast, only one species of Clossiana has these silver spots. The genus is entirely Nearctic, with 14 recognized species, 9 of which are found in BC. Two other species, S. coronis (Behr, 1864) and S. egleis (Behr, 1862) occur immediately south of the BC border in Washington or Montana, and might eventually be recorded in the province. Dos Passos and Grey (1947) produced the definitive treatment of the genus. In this genus, and all genera in the subfamily except Boloria and Clossiana, the aedeagus is open at the proximal end. Dos Passos and Grey (1947) reduced the number of recognized species from more than 100 species to 13 species, and reduced the other species names to either subspecies or synonyms. The dos Passos and Grey paper, Gunder (1929b), Davenport (1941), and Nabokov (1949) set the standard for our modern species concepts for North American butterflies. P.A. Hammond (pers. comm.) has provided the information on the biology and appearance of the larvae.
The Leto Fritillary in southern BC flies from late June to late August; there is one generation each year. The Prairie Fritillary flies in July in the Peace River region. Eggs are laid at the base of the foodplant, Viola sp. They hatch and the first instar larvae overwinter. Larvae begin feeding the following spring, as soon as the foodplant has leafed out.
The Great Spangled Fritillary occurs in the Southern Interior, the Kootenays, and the Peace. In the south it is found primarily in ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir areas up to 1,000 m. The southern populations, the Leto Fritillary, occur in xeric meadows and adults nectar primarily on Canadian thistle and other Cirsium species. In the Peace, it is found at the edges of and in open, mature aspen woodland. The Prairie Fritillary occurs in more mesic habitat and has not been observed nectaring like fritillaries in the south.
The Great Spangled Fritillary ranges across southern CAN from BC to NS. In the west, it occurs south to central CA and northern NM. In the east it occurs south to northwestern GA, with isolated populations in TX and LA.
Recommended citation: Author, Date. Page title. In Klinkenberg, Brian. (Editor) 2021. E-Fauna BC:
Electronic Atlas of the Fauna of British Columbia []. Lab
for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver. [Accessed:
2025-02-13 1:55:44 AM]
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