The Grey Hairstreak flies in two broods, from late April to early June and from mid-July to late August. In the Okanagan Valley there is at least a partial third generation. In BC the overwintering stage is the pupa (JHS). Larvae feed on a variety of native herbaceous growth, legume genera, and garden beans. Jones (1939) recorded it on fruits of raspberry. Guppy (1954) reared spring brood adults from Vancouver Island larvae on the native clovers Trifolium oliganthum and T. willdenowii. Guppy (1959) again reared spring brood adults but on a different native plant, the wild strawberry, Fragaria vesco ssp. bracteata. Guppy (1959) also reared second brood adults from Anaphalis margaritacea. In all of Richard Guppy's rearings, the larvae fed on flowers. Oviposition has been observed on Trifolium oliganthum at Bamberton (CSG) and second-generation larvae have been found feeding on Gaultheria shallon berries at Metchosin (AGG). Shepard (JHS) has reared larvae from second-brood adults on green bean pods in the Nelson area. The young larvae fed on the developing beans inside the pod, and the mature larvae fed on the surface of the maturing bean pod (JHS).