The Large Yellow Underwing Moth is an introduced species in British Columbia that originates in Europe. It was first reported for BC in 2002 and is now common in the south coast (RBCM 2012). It ranges from 50 to 60 mm in size, and may be recognized by the yellow underwings with a dark band along the edge.
The Royal BC Museum provides the following information for this species: "The Large Yellow Underwing arrived in Halifax in 1979 and spread to all Canadian provinces and as far north as Nunavut. The moth was first recorded in BC in 2002 on Vancouver Island and has since expanded to much of the province. Moths may have spread by hitching a ride on a car, truck or train, since they like to hide in snug places, but they are also very strong fliers and may have flown on their own." (RBCM 2012).
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