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Oxychilus cellarius (Müller, 1774)
Cellar Glass-Snail
Family: Oxychilidae
Species account author: Robert Forsyth.


© Kristiina Ovaska     (Photo ID #2600)


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Distribution of Oxychilus cellarius in British Columbia in British Columbia

Species Information


Among the three species of Oxychilus in Canada, O. cellarius is intermediate in size. It is most similar to O. draparnaudi in that the spire is nearly flat, but the shell of O. cellarius is smoother and glossier, and the animal is paler in colour. O. alliarius has a smaller, rather darker shell and the animal produces a garlicky odour.


Small (mature shell width, 7-12 mm); growth indeterminate; depressed-heliciform; translucent. Whorls: ca 6. Spire: nearly flat; apex flat. Suture: indented. Last whorl: not descending to the peristome; no crest or constriction behind the baso-palatal lip. Periphery: rounded, medial on last whorl. Protoconch: smooth. Teleoconch sculpture: almost smooth, very glossy; weak colabral striae/wrinkles. Periostracum: shining, varnish-like. Umbilicus: small, about 1/6 of the shell width. Aperture: subovate, wider than high. Peristome: incomplete. Aperture dentition: none. Baso-palatal lip: thin-edged, not expanded. Peristome, viewed from side: prosocline. Parietal callus: glazed, transparent. Colour (periostracum): pale amber brown, slightly more opaque around umbilicus.


Grey, slighty bluish grey, with darker head and tentacles and with paler flanks. Brown flecks edge the sides of the foot and around the pneumostome are dense brown flecks (Grimm et al. 2010).







Genus name a combination of Greek words "oxys", "sharp", and "chilos", "lip"; the gender is masculine. Species name, Latin, meaning "of garlic".

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)
ExoticSNAExoticNot Listed

BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.

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