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Papilio multicaudatus pusillus Linnaeus, 1758
Swallowtails; Two-Tailed Swallowtail
Family: Papilionidae (Swallowtails and Apollos)
Species account authors: Crispin Guppy and Jon Shepard.
Extracted from Butterflies of British Columbia.
Introduction to the Butterflies of BC
The Families of Lepidoptera of BC


© Ian Lane     (Photo ID #675)


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Distribution of Papilio multicaudatus pusillus in British Columbia.
(Click on the map to view a larger version.)
Source: Butterflies of British Columbia by Crispin Guppy and Jon Shepard © Royal BC Museum

Species Information


Two-tailed Swallowtails, which actually appear to have three tails due to a pronounced "caudal lobe" on the hindwings, are the largest butterflies in BC. The wing colour is yellow with narrow black bands. No other swallowtail in BC has more than one tail on each hindwing.

Immature Stages

The eggs are pale green yellow, smooth, and hemispherical (CSG). The eyespots of mature larvae consist of a large main eyespot with a smaller satellite spot below. The main spot is yellow green to yellow and is surrounded by a very fine black line; it has a pale blue centre spot that is surrounded by yellow and then by a black line. A black line below the blue centre spot bisects it. The satellite spot is yellow green to yellow and is enclosed by a very fine black line. The black transverse band, three to four times as wide as the anterior yellow band, extends below the spiracular line. A narrow black line frequently occurs on the top of the front margin of some of the abdominal segments (Sugden and Ross 1963). Pupae are mottled green brown to yellow brown, with a darker brown lateral stripe.


There are three subspecies of Two-tailed Swallowtails in North America. Subspecies pusillus Austin and Emmel, 1998 (TL: Independence Mountains, Elko Co., NV) occurs in BC (Austin and Emmel 1998), and is smaller and less richly coloured than the other two.

Genus Description

Linnaeus divided butterflies into several groups. The first group was the swallowtails, which were called equites or knights. Those with red on the thorax were Greek heroes, those with no red on the thorax were Roman heroes (Emmet 1991). Papilio, which is Latin for butterfly, was the original generic name that Linnaeus used for all butterflies. The common name was first used in Britain in 1766 for "The Swallowtail," P. machaon (Bretherton 1990b), in reference to the resemblance of the tails on the hindwings to the tails of swallows. The name was later extended to include the entire genus. Gosse (1840) was the first to use the common name "swallowtails" in North America.

Swallowtails found in North America are large, brightly coloured butterflies with tails on their hindwings. Six of the eight species in BC are yellow with black stripes. In addition, Pale Swallowtails are white to very pale yellow with black stripes, and Indra Swallowtails are mostly black. Swallowtails also have an orange eyespot at the base of each hindwing tail, and orange and blue spots on the ventral hindwings.

Eggs are smooth and hemispherical, and are cream, yellow, yellow green, or green when laid. The egg colour darkens, and a red ring develops around the top before hatching. Young larvae are black with a white saddle, and resemble bird droppings. Larvae of all ages have well-developed osmeteria, extrusible Y-shaped glands on the top of the thorax that produce defensive chemicals in response to attack. Pupae have two small horns on the head and a point at the top of the thorax. A silk girdle holds them head up against a stem.

The eggs are laid on the leaves of the larval foodplants. On plants with large flat leaves, the eggs are laid on the top or occasionally just under the leaf edge. Both the top and bottom of small leaves are used. The pupae overwinter. In BC two species have more than one generation each year in some populations; the other six are univoltine.

Hancock (1983) split the genus Papilio into six genera, two of which (Papilio and Pterourus) are in BC. We treat Hancock's genera as subgenera of a single large genus, Papilio, as do most recent authors.

Higgins (1975) suggested that the North American populations of Old World Swallowtails may not be the same species as Papilio machaon. Eitschberger (1993) found that the rings of plates surrounding the egg micropyle are significantly different between one European machaon subspecies and subspecies aliaska, the North American subspecies closest to European machaon. European P. machaon has 3 rings with about 112 plates around the micropyle, while aliaska has 5 rings with about 142 plates. A second character used by Eitschberger to separate P. machaon from aliaska, the number of teeth on the harpe of the male genitalia, is not useful in separating species in North America. The difference in egg structure is insufficient to split the species without additional data, hence we continue to treat the North American populations as subspecies of Papilio machaon.

All the tiger swallowtails (subgenus Pterourus) hybridize in the wild to some extent. In southern BC there is a broad zone of hybridization between Canadian Tiger Swallowtails and Western Tiger Swallowtails from Manning Provincial Park east to Creston. In the areas where their ranges overlap, Western Tiger Swallowtails prefer low-elevation deciduous forest habitats whereas Canadian Tiger Swallowtails prefer higher-elevation boreal forest habitats. Hybridization between Pale Swallowtails and Western Tiger Swallowtails is rare, but Wagner (1978) collected a perfectly intermediate male hybrid in the wild in Idaho. Jon and Sigrid Shepard found a male hybrid of the Pale Swallowtail and the Canadian Swallowtail 10 km south of Galloway, BC. lt is intermediate in appearance between the two species.

Similarly all the Old World swallowtails (subgenus Papilio) occasionally hybridize in the wild. The Old World swallowtail species are most easily distinguished by the overall coloration of the hindwing and by the colour of the eyespot at the base of the tail on the hindwing.


Two-tailed Swallowtails are univoltine in BC and multivoltine in the southern USA. They are in flight in May and June, rarely as late as August at mid elevations. The adult males patrol forest edges and openings, lake margins, and stream banks looking for females, and are frequently seen mud-puddling. Females do not start to lay eggs for two or three days after fertilization (except old females), during which time she nectars. The female lays 6-7 eggs per day, over a 10-day period, usually producing about 55 eggs. Eggs are laid singly on the upperside of the leaves of larval foodplants, and tend to be laid in partial shade. Eggs hatch within 7-10 days; immediately after hatching, the larva eats the egg chorion. It makes a silk mat on the surface of the leaf upon which to rest. The silk mat leads to the edge of the leaf, where the larva feeds. All instars make the silk mat (Pronin 1955). Larvae pupate within 5-6 weeks, and pupae diapause over winter.

The larval foodplant normally used in BC, in Yakima County, WA, and in California is chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) (Pronin 1955; Newcomer 1964a; CSG), but saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) is also used (McDunnough 1927). The introduced hop tree (Ptelea trifoliata [Rutaceae]) is used when available in gardens (Grant 1963). Outside BC additional foodplants include ash and tulip tree (Brower 1959; Kendall 1964; Scott 1992).


Two-tailed Swallowtails inhabit the arid grasslands and associated riparian area of southern BC, at low to mid elevations. They range as far north as Soda Creek in the Chilcotin.



Two-tailed Swallowtails occur from southern BC and AB south to Guatemala and east to the central Great Plains and TX.

Status Information

Origin StatusProvincial StatusBC List
(Red Blue List)

BC Ministry of Environment: BC Species and Ecosystems Explorer--the authoritative source for conservation information in British Columbia.

General References