E-Fauna Photo Gallery
Crucigera zygophora
(Yoke-Bearer Calcareous Tubeworm)
© Aaron Baldwin (Photo ID #2216)
Photographer's Submitted Details
Photo Location
Sitka Sound, Alaska
Aaron Baldwin
On rocks, mid to low intertidal
Photo Date
Upload Date
October 25, 2007
Elevation (m)
UTM Zone #
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Photo ID #
Similar to Serpula columbiana, this tubeworm can be distinguished by how very wide the attachment base of the tube is when compared to others. In Serpula the cemented base (imagine gluing a tube to a flat surface, first you place a line of glue. When tube is pressed down, the amount of glue squeezed outward is analogous to width of cemented base) is just about the diameter of tube. In Crucigera the calcareous base is much wider than diameter of tube. Photo taken with Pentax Optio W10 underwater