E-Fauna Photo Gallery
Pachydiplax longipennis
(Blue Dasher)
© Rosemary Taylor (Photo ID #68428)
Photographer's Submitted Details
Photo Location
Qualicum Beach, Vancouver Island
Rosemary Taylor
Urban garden
Photo Date
July 01, 2014
Upload Date
July 04, 2014
Elevation (m)
UTM Zone #
UTM Easting
UTM Northing
Photo ID #
Identified from email image by Dr. Rob Cannings, who stated "When young, Blue Dasher adults are brown with yellowish stripes on the abdomen and sides of thorax, but males become bluish with maturity.... Lives in marshy ponds and lakes in lowlands. Pretty common on the south coast, espcially on the islands, although still on the Blue List. One Interior locality at Osoyoos Lake. In Canada mainly in southern Ontario and extreme southern BC, but abundant and common over most of US." This dragonfly was found in a house on a white windowsill, which shows the colour on the wings to advantage.