Coreorgonal petulcus  (Sheetweb Spider)

Photo of Coreorgonal petulcus by Robb Bennett

© Robb Bennett (Photo ID #14342)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Rocky Point (Metchosin)
Photographer Robb Bennett
Habitat Old Douglas-fir forest
Photo Date May 23, 2011
Upload Date August 09, 2011
Elevation (m) 50
Latitude 48.3175010681152
Longitude -123.590301513672
Photo ID # 14342
Comments Hand-held image taken through microscope ocular lens of preserved abdomen-less male specimen, viewed from right side with most legs removed to show diagnostic shape of head. Palps also visible. Locality data approximated from Google Earth. Image credit R. Bennett & D. Copley