Discophyton rudyi  (White Disc Soft Coral)

Photo of Discophyton rudyi by <a href="http://www.seastarsofthepacificnorthwest.info/">Neil McDaniel</a>

© Neil McDaniel (Photo ID #15670)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Outer Narrows, Slingsby Channel
Photographer Neil McDaniel
Habitat subtidal, boulder/bedrock
Photo Date
Upload Date January 04, 2012
Elevation (m) -5
Latitude 51.0855555555556
Longitude -127.636944444444
Photo ID # 15670
Comments The White Disc Soft Coral forms small colonies up to 3 cm across, usually in groups. Found in shallow subtidal surge-swept habitats on the open coast (e.g. Barkley Sound) and in current-swept habitats such as Outer Narrows (Slingsby Channel) and Nakwakto Rapids. Identified by Drs. C. McFadden and F. Hochberg, 2003. See Invertebrate Biology 122(2): 93-113.