Disporella separata  (Purple Encrusting Bryozoan)

Photo of Disporella separata by <a href="http://www.seastarsofthepacificnorthwest.info/">Neil McDaniel</a>

© Neil McDaniel (Photo ID #60983)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Cape Flattery, WA
Photographer Neil McDaniel
Habitat marine subtidal
Photo Date
Upload Date February 10, 2014
Elevation (m) -5
Latitude 48.3898666666667
Longitude -124.73825
Photo ID # 60983
Comments Purple encrusting bryozoan. Very attractive purple colour, hard structure. Thrives in surge- and current-swept habitats. Eg. Cape Flattery, Race Rocks, west coast Haida Gwaii, San Juan Islands, outer Barkley Sound.