Diaperoforma californica  (Southern Staghorn Bryozoan)

Photo of Diaperoforma californica by <a href="http://www.seastarsofthepacificnorthwest.info/">Neil McDaniel</a>

© Neil McDaniel (Photo ID #60992)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Barkley Sound, BC
Photographer Neil McDaniel
Habitat marine subtidal
Photo Date
Upload Date February 10, 2014
Elevation (m) -5
Latitude 48.9097222222222
Longitude -125.4725
Photo ID # 60992
Comments Southern staghorn bryozoan. Forms large, reef-like colonies up to 30 cm across. Found in both exposed habitats (eg. Barkley Sound) and current-swept ones (eg. Discovery Passage). Abundant at the Victoria breakwater.