Urticina piscivora  (Fish-Eating Anemone)

Photo of Urticina piscivora by <a href="http://www.seastarsofthepacificnorthwest.info/">Neil McDaniel</a>

© Neil McDaniel (Photo ID #74365)

Photographer's Submitted Details

Photo Location Chrow Islands, Barkley Sound
Photographer Neil McDaniel
Habitat marine, subtidal
Photo Date
Upload Date December 30, 2014
Elevation (m) -20
Latitude 48.91025
Longitude -125.472533333333
Photo ID # 74365
Comments Fish-eating anemone. A large (to 30 cm diameter) anemone. Powerful stinging cells in the tentacles reportedly enable it to capture small fishes that blunder into the anemone. Deep maroon column. Open coast habitats. Often found on the tops of large boulders.